Teaching & Learning
Larry Page, CEO at Google, credits Montessori learning to his success as a business entrepreneur:
"I think it was part of that training of not following rules and orders, and being self-motivated, questioning what's going on in the world and doing things a little bit differently."
12 months - 36 months
Our toddler program offers a prepared environment for children between the ages of 12 months (and walking) to 36 months where the Montessori curriculum supports the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of each child. Toddlers strengthen speech and language development and both fine and gross motor skills as they explore self, family and the world in which they live.
Preschool - Kindergarten
Our primary program offers a prepared environment for children between the ages of 2-1/2 (and potty-trained) and 6 years old where they can explore their world and further develop independence. These years are filled with wonder, curiosity and budding independence. With such an enriched environment, freedom, responsibility, social and intellectual development spontaneously flourish.
Grades 1-3
This class guides students through the foundations of the subject and beyond. Students actively participate in the mastery of reading, writing and math within a challenging learning environment. Our curriculum is interdisciplinary, with an emphasis on connections between different areas of study. In addition to academics, students learn organization and
time-management skills, as well as acquire a sense of personal order.
Grades 4-8
Rather than just listening, memorizing, and repeating facts, students discover, analyze and learn from experience. With a robust field trip curriculum and rigorous in-class learning, we spur our students’ curiosity and help them acquire the essential knowledge, thinking skills and strength of character required to flourish as joyous children today and as successful adults tomorrow.